Red Cross

“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill
When we are not living our lives for ourselves, we have the ability and the duty to offer our support to those who help others. We couldn’t say it any better so we’ll let The American Red Cross tell you who they are.
The American Red Cross Massachusetts Region is part of the largest and most diverse service organization in the United States, serving the 6.6 million residents of the 351 cities and towns of Massachusetts.
The Red Cross provides food and shelter in emergencies, operates the largest food pantry in New England, teaches lifesaving skills, trains nurses’ aides and certified nursing assistants, serves members of the Armed Forces, and more. All assistance from the Red Cross is free, made possible by voluntary donations of time and money from the American people.
The Red Cross responds to hundreds of fires in the Massachusetts Region each year, serving families who have faced personal disaster, and in some cases, have lost everything. The Red Cross is also educating communities and making homes safer through our Home Fire Campaign, with a goal of reducing the number of home fire deaths and injuries by 25 percent by the year 2020. To accomplish this goal, Red Cross staff and trained volunteers are installing smoke alarms and providing safety plans and other useful tools to residents across the state. This program is being implemented in collaboration with local fire departments and emergency management agencies.
To do all this, a volunteer corps of thousands are trained to be ready when the time comes to assist communities in Massachusetts and nationally. Volunteers make up 95 percent of the Red Cross workforce and train in specialties such as shelter management, mass feeding, technology and casework. The American Red Cross in Massachusetts
Many times we owe the ability to live a comfortable life without worry to organizations like the Red Cross. Isn’t it time we show them some appreciation. Please consider one of the following ways to make a difference.