About Us

We are a small company with big ideas and a registered trademark logo. 

Our concept follows the belief that tomorrow is never guaranteed.  So don’t wait for it.  Realize the moment; take advantage of and enjoy it.  Do those things you’ve been kicking down the road.

To help you with embracing the moment and drenching yourself in life, we’ve created original copyrighted designs emblazoned on apparel and hats.  Click this link to see our catalog of items. 

Take your new outlook with you as you take a more proactive role in your life; take photos and tell us where you’ve been and what you’ve done.  With your help, we can roll this tiny snowball of an idea into an army of world changing snowmen. 

Share us with your friends.  Get everyone to join in the revolution and be a part of the LiFEstyle©. Take advantage of our links to people and places we love.  Hopefully we can help inject enjoyment and action into your life.

See our blog “Random LiFE Rants” for interesting stories and new perspectives. 

You can keep up with us by following us socially on Facebook and Instagram.

To see how it all started, visit our story.

You may feel a bit different after visiting our site or wearing our designs.  It’s o.k. Perhaps some of your friends and even strangers might agree with the new you.

LiFE is not a dress rehearsal.  This is your CALL to ACTION. 

Own it, Live it, Love it !

LiFE is NOW… what will YOU do with it!?